The Dark Side of Twelfth Night In Twelfth Night, Shakespeare makes a duality between the universes of the respectability and its partners and the said untouchables. There is an incredible component of narrow-mindedness associated with the activities of the characters considered in as they examine through the play alcoholic on affection or liquor and inundated in their own plans. Regardless of whether it is Olivia, Orsino, Viola, and Sebastian enveloped with their adoration ensnarement or Sir Toby, Maria, Feste, and Fabian creating pernicious plots, there is simply the feeling that everybody is out for themselves and that a large portion of the diversion comes at the shocking cost of another person. Characters that are not in on the plans devised by the persuasive figures are some way or another controlled or played by these plans in the long run. Because of the silly characteristics of Violas camouflage, Malvolios arrogance, and Sir Andrews absurdity, a ton of the unforgiving hints of the play are lost in its mind boggling and entertaining nature.